Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins The review:Oh mon Dieu!! Where was this book all this time?? I chose this book to be my first contemporary read and my break from Vampire novels, and thank God I chose it! It’s simply so great :).Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down at all!! I had to finish it and I feel sad that there’s no sequel :’). This book is forty-seven chapters of goodness. The main reason for me loving Anna and the French Kiss is the way Stephanie wrote it, it was fun to read with 80% of funny moments between friends and normal situations.I don’t have a favorite character, I love them all!!! Except for Toph…. Anna was a typical girl and it was nice to read about a girl who acted like any other average girl her age :). As for Etienne St. Claire, no need to comment on him!!!Conclusion:This book is a recommended read for any YA/Contemporary novel fans who like a lot of laughter and normal situations with a great writing style.