My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers #3)

My Soul to Keep - Rachel Vincent The cover:This is one of my favorite covers because of the pink in it ^_^.The storyline:Okay. So the story in this sequel is pretty amazing!What I love about this series is that each sequel is related to the previous one(s) and at the same time the story is unique. I was intrigued by Nash’s sudden change of moods, how Kaylee noticed something wrong was going on. It was hard to predict the story which is amazing!At the end, seeing Addison’s comeback was thrilling, Avari’s return on the other hand was creepy.The writing style of it was awesome, as expected, Rachel does a great job of describing the necessary stuff and leaving the rest for your imagination to work on :).The characters:Kaylee is strong as always. She faces her fears even when they’re scary and make her cry (like me). I just wonder how she can stand her cousin Sophie, who’s a total pain?!Nash surprised me in this sequel, I didn’t expect him to be so selfish and to sacrifice what they had for… well, you’ll have to read the book to understand what I’m talking about ;).Tod is mainly the hero in this sequel and I think he deserves to be. If there’s anyone who’s truly loyal to love that would be him. He made a huge sacrifice and the consequences were very bad. I love the Reaper!!Addison’s return was one of the many shocking events in this book and it was a pleasure to see how she reacted in the story. No wonder Tod loves her!These were mainly the most important characters in this story, in my POV (point of view). I’m not going to mention neither Avari because he’s a pervert nor Emma because the whole story she was whining upon Doug….My favorite quotes:Speaking of bloodthirsty hyenas… A car door slammed in the driveway ahead and my cousin, Sophie, stood next to Scott Carter's metallic-blue convertible, her huge green eyes shadowed dramatically by the streetlight overhead. –Chapter 1Naturally. Because detention seems like an appropriate reward for someone trying to save her school from a deadly Netherworld toxin, right? – Chapter 5"Emma?" I backed slowly away from the bed, my phone clenched in my left hand, as a strange, heavy, fluttery feeling settled into my stomach. Like I'd swallowed a swarm of iron butterflies. "Not exactly…" A low, scratchy, unfamiliar voice said as my best friend's mouth moved. My heart rate exploded and my pulse roared in my ears. "Who, then, exactly?" "I am Alec. As presented through Emma Dawn Marshall." As presented…? Whoa… – Chapter 17I'd played intermediary between Nash and Avari. The hellion had used me as his own personal walkie-talkie. And Nash had let it happen. – Chapter 17Tod, if you're involved in this, I'll kill you! Except you can't kill someone who's already dead. But I could get him fired…. – Chapter 18Aaaand here comes the catch… -- Chapter 18Luck? We were depending on luck? Nash is so screwed…. – Chapter 18"Tod! Get your invisible butt down here!" Or up here, or over here, or whichever way he'd have to travel to get to me. – Chapter 19But more than any of that, I was thankful for the possibility he'd shown me: that a man really could love a woman enough that he'd do anything to protect her. That's how much Tod loved Addy. That's how much I wanted Nash to love me. -- Chapter 26Conclusion:This is by far my 2nd favorite sequel in the series. I can’t wait to get started on My Soul To Steal, but first, I need to finish Reaper .